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Day 4/365 – Street Fighter IV

I know, I know.  I’m horrible.  I only got Day 1 because it was after midnight during an existing shoot, and I didn’t even bust out the camera on Day 2 or 3.  Wow, talk about fail.  Anyways.  I decided that I really need to do at least as many days as I can.  I’m too flakey when left to my own devices and existing plans/schedules, and rarely feel the desire or inspiration to shoot something.  Tonight I did.

I thought I’d shoot something inanimate, and try lighting it.  Here’s Steve’s Street Fighter IV fight pad, being held up by a black 360 controller and a DualShock 3 controller.  Cause I’m that resourceful.  Apparently I didn’t even bother to clean off the table hehe.

Strobist info: Vivitar 285 @ 1/16th power zoomed all the way in through a handheld white reflector (works well as a shoot-through, I didn’t feel like busting out the stand and brolly), triggered by the Cactus v4 trigger, propped up on the trigger and some random piece of video hookup gear (cause the foot’s busted off of it. urgh).  Phoenix D92-BZS sat on the floor with two full CTBs (one creates too much white light, power isn’t adjustable on this flash) pointed up and to the wall a bit, triggered optically.  Canon 50mm f/1.8 shot at f/5.6 @ ISO 100

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