Figure workshop – Jennifer 01

I got in touch with a Sacramento-based portrait photographer by the name of Tim Engle, after I wrote up an article about him and his photography. He invited me to join the photography group he started, and luckily shortly thereafter, he ended up putting on a few workshops, which I gladly signed up for a session. The workshops were focused on two things–DIY continuous lighting and figure/model photography, and how to combine the two aspects. I definitely do love my DIY photo tricks, and I definitely love models/people. This sounded like a great time to me.
Our session consisted of about 8 or 9 photographers, Tim, and our model for the session, the lovely and talented Jennifer. To be honest, this is pretty much my first time ever shooting a real model in a real situation. Yeah, I’ve shot friends, bands, other people, but at least to me and my inner shy-person, this is totally different. I ended up being pretty nervous, not knowing what I wanted her to do or how to pose her–eek! But in the end, Tim was a great help during our one-on-one time at the end, and had some great ideas for me to work off of.
I shot a LOT of frames, and ended up with some pretty good stuff. This is just one of them. One of the good ones that didn’t require photoshop for killing out background elements that weren’t covered by the backdrop–lots of photogs, small space, not everyone gets the benefit of the backdrop all the time. And until I reinstall Photoshop on my laptop, this is it for now.
Again, definitely a really good time shooting with the group (despite how quiet I was lol), Tim is an excellent instructor, and I learned a lot through the session, as well as got some great shots of Jennifer. I’ll post more as I get them edited and whatnot.
Oh, and if this is the main pic when you come to this site, sorry for the lame crop on the graphic. It’s automatic, and I can’t target it. Bah.